Inside you’ll find all the ways a mother’s love is needed in this world.
A mother’s love is like nothing else in the world.
It’s both strong and gentle.
Loud and quiet.
Unrelenting and yielding.
Protecting and releasing.
Demanding and unassuming.
It’s one thing in one moment, and another in the next moment. It changes with a child’s needs, but is always there. Unmoving.
Founded on the rock of the mother / child bond.
“Be a mother who is committed to loving her children into standing on higher ground than the environment surrounding them. Mothers are endowed with a love that is unlike any other love on the face of the earth.” MP Hinckley
The love of a mother is different than flimsy affection
The love of a mother goes to extremes. She requires her children to read two books a week then submit book reports to her. Then, she marks up… hoping they won’t notice she can’t read (source).
The love of a mother sacrifices her own security. After an adoption loss, she uses her own home as collateral to fight for her child (source).
The love of a mother is primal. When faced with grave danger she will stop at nothing – and spare no one – who threatens the lives of her children.
The love of a mother is sobering. Rose Colored Glasses gave way to fear, worries, and doubts for her children’s safety. Now, life is about more than having a good time.
Read: Enjoy Being A Mother Again With These 4 Stress Relieving Mindsets
50+ Connection Questions
Pull out these fun questions to share some laughs with your precious ones. Use them out at meal times, car rides, or any time the day is getting chaotic and you need a reset to connect.
The love of a mother is different in different seasons
The love of a mother turns her attention to her little ones first and foremost. For a season she turns away from former hobbies, interests, and pursuits.
The love of a mother makes time to pour into herself when needed… knowing it’s the best thing she can do for her family.
She says… I will do that Big Thing later because, right now, I have more important work at home.
A mother’s doesn’t use children as an excuse to put off the scary task she is called to do right now.
She knows that the choices she makes now affect all her children’s futures.
Read: Words Every Emotionally Exhausted Mother Needs To Hear
The love of a mother helps her do the absolute best she can, and that’s good enough
The love of a mother nourishes her baby at her breast (or in her arms) day to day – sometimes hour to hour. She does this even though she hasn’t had a full night’s rest in years.
The love of a mother accepts her child needs more nourishment and nutrients than she has to give. She thanks God that sometimes formula is best.
A mother’s love carefully selects ingredients and meals for her children to help them grow strong, healthy, and boost their immune system.
She serves canned fruit and processed meals, balancing the worry that fresh food would be better, but $20 only goes so far.
Read: 5 Signs You May Be A Depressed Mom — And How To Start Feeling Better
The love of a mother means different things to different women
The love of a mother helps her stay in a hard marriage when it’s best for the kids. She knows the security and well-being of her children is more important than her feelings.
The love of a mother gives strength to overcome fear of the unknown. It gives strength to flee the family home for the sake of her children’s safety.
It spends thousands of dollars each year to give her children the best opportunities and education money can buy.
The love of a mother sees her child’s spirit withering at school, and decides to homeschool. She put them in a place of safety and belonging.
She says… I will keep you, raise you, and love you. I will do this even though I am neither prepared nor ready for this job.
The love of a mother carries to full term only to give her baby to those who’ll raise him in a way she knows she cannot.
Character Affirmations For Kids
Want to help develop your child’s strengths Use these cards to dive into the character qualities and how your child does – and can in the future = exhibit them in their own life.
Learn MoreRead: How To Live Within Your Limits And Hold Your Boundaries
The love of a mother looks different in different places.
The love of a mother will place her family on a boat to flee a war torn country. It risks peril in hopes of finding safe haven.
The love of a mother suppresses guilt and jealousy as she drops her baby off each morning at care. Wishing she could do that work, instead of the work that puts a roof over their heads.
The love of a mother sustains her when there is barely enough food to feed her children, much less leftovers.
It says… I will birth, love, and cherish you though my government considers you inferior.
A mother’s love says I don’t care what other people think or say about my choices. I will do what I think is best for you.
Self-Care Habit Tracker
Do you forget to sleep, bathe, eat, relax, etc.? NO MORE. This tracker will help you consistently live within your limits so you have more love to give to your family.
A mother’s love looks different in each woman, but deep down… it’s what unites us.
The post A Mother’s Love… What It Does & Why It Matters So Much appeared first on A Mother Far from Home.