Are you pregnant and wondering what to get for baby‘s every day needs in those first few months? Well, if you’ve survived pregnancy and are in the first few months postpartum, take encouragement, there’s not really much baby needs but love, milk, and sleep.
I will never forget one of the most beautiful and opulent baby showers I ever attended…
The beautiful mother to be on a chair with hoards of presents around her.
Thousands of dollars of baby stuff that I – a mother of many – knew may not get used daily or even monthly.
Hey, I’m no hater of useful things, but I do know that there are tons of stuff to choose from when you’re making a registry or caring for baby and, if you’re a first time mom, you genuinely have no idea what you will use or won’t use.
But that’s why I’m are here to help…
After having done this rodeo 5 times in 5 years, I’m here to tell you… you don’t need as much as you think.
Read: Advice for New Parents That’ll Help You Rest And Relax (and Enjoy Baby)
Newborn Feeding Chart
Use this simple printable chart to track your feeds to make sure baby is fed, your supply is up, and everyone is well.
5 Things You’ll Use for Baby Every Day for Months
There are many things you’ll once or twice, time and again, here and there, but here are 5 things I’ve used consistently for months on end with all 5 of my babies.
Take these as inspiration to create your own registry or prepare for your little ones arrival.
Read: Simple Baby Advice That Stands the Test of Time
#1) White Noise
I am a huge proponent of white noise. If there are other siblings around and you want baby to be able to nap, it’s an absolute must. White noise comes in many forms, some portable, others to be plugged in near baby.
Whatever the way you choose to do it, do choose to do it. It becomes a positive sleep association, protects the nap atmosphere, and is soothing to hear. It’s an awesome signal to help baby wind down and goes well in any wind down routine.
Hushh Portable White Noise Machine
#2) An Awesome Pacifier
Every single one of my 5 kids took a pacifier, praise the Lord. I offered it after a few weeks, as per the midwife’s suggestion to avoid nipple confusion, and they’ve all taken it willingly.
Here is how to use the pacifier without going back in all night to re-insert. Pacifiers are great to give babies when you have to delay feeding, say if you’re running errands or driving.
They also work when babies wake at night, but aren’t necessarily hungry, they’re just transitioning through active and passive sleep cycles.
Don’t wait too late to give it or baby might not take it. A mild tragedy in my humble opinion.
Stuffed Animal Pacifier
The pacifier that stays in baby’s mouth, is easy to find at night, and helps baby settle.
Learn MoreRead: Pacifier Weaning 101: Guide To Less Stress & Fewer Tears
Sleep Little Lamb
Create sustainable sleep habits for your little lamb so the whole family can sleep peacefully without the stress, drama, and tears.
Learn More#3) Sleep Sack or Swaddle are Great for Baby Every Day
Swaddles are Just The Thing. Here’s how to use a swaddle with a newborn and believe me, you’ll be glad you did.
Babies will sleep in any fashion for a month or two, but around 4 months they “wake up” and if you haven’t taught them how to sleep well for the long run, you may find they just don’t want to sleep much anymore.
Swaddles or sleep sacks work well because they are snug, mimicking the womb, but still give baby room for limb movement.
Woombie Swaddle
Zips from the bottom, stretchy yet snug, and has swaddle weaning arm holes built in.
Learn More#4) Diapers
Look, I’m going to be real. It isn’t glamorous to get diapers… but you will be so happy. Ask for diapers in size 2, 3, or even 4 and just watch how good it feels to have diapers on hand without having to go buy them.
At $20 a pop for one box, they aren’t cheap. Or, if you’ve decided to cloth diaper then you’ll want to gather your supply before baby comes.
You likely won’t use them until baby is big enough to fit in them well, but this is an awesome thing to put on a registry since they are quite pricey.
#5) A Seat
While I do have a baby carrier for public, at home if I need to use my hands, baby goes in a seat nearby. In my busy house, a seat is necessary for baby every day. I’m often busy in the kitchen or with the other kids and it really helps to have a safe place to put baby.
This also allows siblings time to play with and smile at the baby too. Infant seats are inexpensive, but completely necessary to me.
Of course, it’s not a good idea to leave the baby there unattended without lots of interaction, but for a few minutes here or there (like when you need to shower) I don’t think you’ll regret it!
Fisher Price Infant to Toddler Rocker
Family Rules Brainstorm SHEETS
Want to start brainstorming some rules that might make your family life more peaceful and secure? These rule sheets will get you there.
The post 5 Things You’ll Use With Your Baby Every Day for Months appeared first on A Mother Far from Home.